Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I often ponder where time goes. One minute you are in such a huge hurry to grow up and the next you are getting mail from the middle school to have your child enroll!!!I still remember the day I found out hat I was going to have David and all the emotions that I felt...excitement, fear, anxiety! I think of how quick he has grown and I still feel all the same emotions. You try so hard to teach your kids and prepare them for the crazy world out there but you can never actually protect them from all the things that you hope they never would experience. I hate letting go and letting them make choices and mistakes. It is so painful to watch them go through things that are difficult. I know that David is a great kid and on the whole makes great decisions and the worst part of it all is how much he is like me... it scares me! I hope that he is smarter than me and doesn't have to TRY everything to learn from it!

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